The 1/25th remained in India for three years, and
travelled the country widely. From Bangalore in the South, to Waziristan
on the North West Frontier, to Shimla the summer capital in the Himalayan
foothills, Poona near Bombay, and for some back to the NWF in 1919.
Note - The following pages and soldiers albums contain many individual and
group photos of unidentified soldiers.
If you
can identify any of them please let me know.
26th Middlesex photos
25th London Cyclists
Early days -
From the formation of the 25th Bn to about the beginning of WW1.
In England
- Around the start of the war to when the 1/25th embarkated for India.
In India - the
majority of India scenes from Bangalore, North West Frontier and the
Himalayan foothills (Shimla & Jutogh) are to be found in the
individual soldier's albums.
Group photos
- If you can identify any of them please let me know.
Soldiers - names unknown
- If you can identify any of them please let me know.
At sport
Soldier's photos & albums